May 11, 2024

Donald Trump had perhaps his most positively awful week yet--and that's saying something. He was ripped by a former Capitol Hill cop, he was attacked by yet another Republican, the recent Lt. Governor of Georgia, Geoff Duncan, who endorsed Biden in a scathing op-ed about the election and future of our country.

And then there was the utterly humiliating testimony from Stormy Daniels about him...I mean, who doesn't like a good spanking with a magazine w/ their face on it and a romp w/ a porn star they compare to their daughter?

The more Trump's trials go on, the more he is personally losing it and electorally losing it. And thank God for that. Watch Cliff Schecter's hilarious video mocking Trump and revelling in his awful week. You'll thank yourself for doing it. Then subscribe to his newly rebranded "Cliff's Edge" YouTube channel for more content like this.

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